Hi, I'm Nader Fares. A Software Developer.

Hello! I'm Nader Fares, a 20 year old Software Developer with two years of experience in developing applications with full-stack technologies. I enjoy spending my time learning new concepts and frameworks, and building useful and interactive web & mobile applications. I'm confident in my analytical and technical background, as well as my teamwork and communication skills.

About me

Information About me

I'm Nader Fares. I'm a student at the University of Central Florida, currently pursuing a Bacehlor's degree in Computer Science.

I first took interest in Computer Science during my first year at the University of Central Florida. I realized my deep passion for software development after taking my first programming class, and I have been pursuing a career in it ever since. Ever since, I've begun learning as much as I can from the field; learning new languages, frameworks, and technologies, and creating projects to cement my understanding with them.

My Skills




react native



My PortfolioMy Work

Here is some of my work that I've done in various programming languages.

Contact MeContact

Orlando, FL
University of Central Florida